
Year End Productivity Challenge

When October comes, our brains go into autumn mode. We dream of pumpkins, warm sweaters and apple cider. And, we start thinking about the upcoming holiday season. However, we rarely start thinking about our goal setting for the next year. And even farther down the line is how we can make this part of our year the most productive time toward our goals. This year end productivity challenge is just what we need to utilize almost 25% of our year.

Capuccino in white cup with ghost image in foam on topProductivity Challenge October Push

Before I became a productivity focused human I did the same thing. In fact, I used to use October as the line of demarcation for the Well-I-didn’t-get-to-xyz-goal-and-since-I-only-have-three-months-left-and-it’s-now-the-holidays-I-will-put-it-on-next-years-list excuse.

However, I wasn’t utilizing one of my greatest weaknesses…working under a deadline. Sometimes, the challenge of doing something last minute really kicks me in the tush and I git ‘er done.

Under Pressure

I do work hard toward my goals each year, but I could always do better. Also, I tend to set my goals high and I NEVER reach them all. But, when I reflect on the year, I see that I did a crap ton!  And, my greatest pleasure comes from the most recent accomplishments. And those, are the ones that I managed to slip in at the last minute.

Since everyone has a different set of goals, this year end challenge is going to be different for everyone.  Or maybe, you have accomplished everything you set out to do. What three month goal can you shoot to accomplish? Or what six month goal can you get a three month jump on?

Pumpkins in fieldWhen Losing Is Winning

If you planned to lose 20 lbs and you haven’t even started, what about losing 5-10 through the holiday season? I didn’t say it would be a cake walk (because you’d probably eat that cake-hee!), I said it would be a challenge.

And yes, you can lose weight at this time of year. It will take discipline, but when doesn’t it take discipline? Excuses can pop up for New Years Eve/Day, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Summer BBQ seasons, vacations, birthdays, Memorial Day, Labor Day, anniversaries, graduation parties, 4th of July (USA), etc. There is an excuse that you flubbed up on Thursday so you’ll start again Monday. And then Monday was stressful and you ate a half a bag of Oreos. Forgive yourself, but stop the excuses and get yourself together.

Imagine the sense of accomplishment you will have when you were a lot more careful this year and didn’t stuff your face with mediocre crap because it was just sitting there looking all festive. The more crap you eat, the worse you feel. The worse you feel, the more crap you eat.

Make yourself a healthier version of it and portion it out. Really sit and enjoy it when you are going to indulge. While you are thinking, “I wish I could eat that dessert,” everyone else is thinking, “I wish I had her willpower to not eat the dessert.”

Person in coat and leggings holding stem of large pumpkin in center of photProductivity Challenge Double Down

What about business goals? Did you have a certain number of clients to sign, speaking engagements or houses to list? Take the remaining number of clients/events/houses left, double it and then set a goal to achieve this. Even if you only make it halfway, you will have accomplished your goal. If you get more than half of the doubled number, then you will have surpassed your goal.

Were you going to learn a language or learn to play the piano? What if you learn the alphabet and a few phrases of the new language. And, would learning the piano keys and a few chords give you a sense of accomplishment?

This time of the year is a busy one but it is also one whole quarter of a year. If you waste it, you will be 25% behind where you intended to be.


While you are planning for your new year, make sure you make adjustments for what you accomplished at the end of this year. For example, you wanted to gain 20 new clients this year and by October 1st you only have 10. Your year end push was for 20 (you only needed 10 more but you doubled it). However, you challenged yourself and got 15 for a total of 25 new clients. In order to surpass your goal next year, you would set it at 40 or 50. Also, in order to achieve this, you may have to add finding an assistant to your list of goals. There are worse problems to have, right?!

So during this productivity challenge, look at your goals, choose one or two to really focus on, and get busy.  Let me know what goals you chose and how you did in the comments below.

Want to remember this? Post this Year End Productivity Challenge to your favorite Pinterest board!

Pinterest pin for the Wealthese.com year end productivity challenge

Pinterest pin for the Wealthese.com year end productivity challenge