
There are many articles and posts on productivity hacks that list out dozens of habits to adopt. And it can seem so overwhelming at first or even if you are one of those that have fallen off track with your goals. However, I have boiled the list down the top three hacks that make the most impact on your productivity.

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1.       Get up as early as you can

The first of the three productivity hacks is to get up early. And there are many stories and suggestions for different times as THE PERFECT time to start your day. For example, former Navy Seal Jocko Willink says that 4:30 is the perfect time to get up. And, Steve Jobs woke up at sixish (6:00-6:20). Mark Cuban wakes up at 6:30.

You will find the time that best works for you by looking at your night routine and obligations. For example, if you have a job that keeps you out until 10:00 or 11:00PM is it feasible that you will be able to get up at 4:30AM? Will you be able to do it consistently without eventual physical repercussions?

And I ask this question seriously because I used to be able to do this but I no longer can. In fact, in order to be able to function well, I need at least six to seven hours of sleep.

Examine your situation and your needs and schedule your wake up time for optimal performance.

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Woman sitting by sunny window using productivity hacks by writing top goals to focus on to accomplish in notebook

2.       Make your priorities fit with your routines, processes and/or systems.

There are entire books devoted to this topic but to summarize:

  •  Figure out what is the most important things that you absolutely need to get done to get you closer to your goals. Break down large goals into small tasks. Focus this down to one or two things per day.  Do these as close to first thing in the morning. For example you may have to wait until a business opens in another time zone to make a phone call. Be as productive with other things until you can tackle this task.
  • Create a routine around the rest of the things that you need to do that day and schedule them for the best time to do them.

Notebook, computer, coffee, headphones and letterboard that reads "Things to do today"

For example, let’s say you are working on an entrepreneurial side hustle that you are hoping to one day make into a full time business, but you are still working a regular job. It is certain that you will have to schedule your day differently than someone who is already in that position. 

You will get up and work on your business before you get ready for your job. Then, make phone calls on your lunch hour. Then check emails on an afternoon coffee break. But these are consistent things that will create your routine.

The point is to get the most important things accomplished that day when you can focus on them and put the others into processes, systems and routines that run automatically.

  • Focus on productivity over perfection. When you are starting out, getting things done is better than getting things done perfectly.

Person sitting in coffee shop window with phone, computer, coffee and notebook

3.       Quit multitasking

Although in the last point I said to make calls on your lunch hour and check emails on your coffee break. This is multitasking but your brain is not switching too rapidly. It’s like walking and chewing gum. Both of these can be done at the same time.

The multitasking that is disruptive to productivity is when you have two or more that need complete focus in order to accomplish. Be sure to remove as many distractions as you can in order to focus on one thing at a time.

1.       Shut off your phone or even put in another area so you won’t be tempted. Set a schedule of when you will look at DMs, texts, etc. Stick to the schedule.

2.       If you do not need the internet for your work, shut it down. There are various apps and extensions that will help with this. Some examples are: Freedom, StayFocused, Limit and WasteNoTime. These can either block or limit your time on websites to keep you focused.

3.       Do not check email online or offline

4.       Possibly turn off music. Yes, music can be a distraction, however if it is being used to drown out other distracting noise, you should keep it on.

However, you must be honest and know that unless you are using a pre-set playlist, you could get distracted by the internet or your phone because that is how you are listening to the music.

Though music with lyrics can pump you up, music without words tends to work better for concentration. I use the 8-10 hour white noise videos on YouTube and wear earbuds or headphones.

5.       Go to the bathroom before you start

6.       Get drinks, snacks, etc. in place before you start

7.       Gather all materials you will need for your work session

8.       Tell people that this is your work time and that you will be unable to interact with them. Be polite, yet firm when you remind them.

9.       If you are in an office, you might even put up a sign warning people away. You can put up a sign saying, “Important meeting in progress.” This way people won’t be offended and will only disturb you for emergencies. 

Woman holding cell phone at desk in front of clock using productivity hacks to set a timer in order to focus on getting things done

10.   Set a timer so that you know when your time starts and ends

11.   Clear your desk or work space of anything that is not related to your task

12.   Make it pleasant. In fact, if you are able, make it enjoyable by lighting a candle, turning off overhead or fluorescent lighting and turning on a lamp, etc. Play music if it is not a distraction but be honest with yourself it is. Close or open curtains/blinds if necessary.

Achieving maximum productivity means adopting new habits and incorporating them into your life. And, if you do nothing more than these three productivity hacks, you will be miles ahead of where you were previously. So give them a shot, tackle them one by one and let me know your progress in the comments below.

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