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If you have fallen off track with your goals that you set for yourself at the beginning of the year, you are NOT ALONE. A lot of people have all lost their way from what they wanted to achieve or think they wanted to achieve. It’s tough to get back on track with your goals. In fact, it’s even harder than starting a project in the first place. 

But it is possible to yourself back on the right track get yourself moving in the right direction.

How to Get Back on Track With Your Goals: In The Beginning

In the beginning, you converted your New Year’s Resolutions into goals and you first start working on a new goal, you have excitement and have little idea of the challenges and overcoming bad habits that you will face. And in 

In these cases, I think it is important for some self-assessment and forgiveness. You might even say to yourself, “I took a break and that’s okay. I’m back on track now and I got this.” But do not to beat yourself up. It probably won’t help you anyway. The good news is that with a few small steps and consistent action, you can get back on track with your goals.

How to Get Back on Track With Your Goals: Review Your Goals

Review Your Goals: Start by revisiting your goals. Ensure they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART-more about this later). Sometimes, your goals may need adjustment or refinement. And sometimes, in order to spare your mental health, you need to pare them down to one or two goals. 

And at this point you will want to really dig deep and assess your current situation. What was the pain or circumstance that you were facing that lead you to create the goal in the first place? Was there more hard work than you were expecting? What was the payoff for stopping? 

Life happens. You might have been working toward a particular financial goal when you got into a car accident. You now have to purchase a new car and perhaps pay hospital bills. 

Maybe you got injured in the accident as well so your health goals were put on hold. It’s hard to achieve weight loss when you have a cast on your leg and exercising has been put on hold.

And sometimes it’s little things that get in the way. Your cheat day turned into a cheat week. Or you went on vacation and when you came home, all of your productive habits went out the window. Vacations are good but sometimes they can make it hard to get back to good daily habits.

For those of you who are in this or a similar situation, you might want to also read my article When To Change Course or Abandon a Goal. It might help you modify your path more easily.

Paper with goals written out and broken down  in ink

How to Get Back on Track With Your Goals: The SMART Method.

Now maybe you have reviewed your goals and found that maybe your goal was too big and the end seemed a long way off. The next step to get back on track with your goals is to go back to basics and break them down to smaller steps.

Break It Down: Large goals can be overwhelming. Break them into smaller milestones. This makes progress feel more attainable and less daunting.

Did you determine that you wanted to lose weight but didn’t give yourself an actual amount of weight that you wanted to lose (or size you wanted to be, inches lost or body fat percentage) or how much time did you give yourself? Did you want to lose 50 lbs. in one month?

You can create smart goals using the SMART method helps me to whittle down the goal to its purest form. Being specific, making it measurable, realistic and setting a time frame are a few of the main components in the SMART method. 

The SMART method



What is your specific goal?

To lose weight.

To get a promotion.

To make $5,000 in extra money to pay off debt.


How much weight? When would you like to lose it by? What will your new size be? Inches lost?

What will your new title be? When would you like to receive your promotion? What skills does the position require? 
What can you do for your side hustle? What price per hour would you set? How many hours would you have to work, including expense, to make $5,000 per month.


Is your goal achievable? Did you set your goal to lose 50 lbs. in two months? Is this healthy? Is this possible? What simple steps would make your goal more attainable without making it so loose that you will lose momentum?

Are you working in the mailroom and the position you want is CEO? You may have a few promotions to conquer and potential obstacles in between but it’s not impossible. Study a few CEOs and emulate what they have done. It may not be a high level education that got them their but special skills obtained, like networking, to make them achieve success in their professional life. 

If you have decided to obtain clients through a freelancing website like Upwork, Fiverr or Freelancer, and you have determined that you will have to set your rates lower in order to obtain credibility. At first you may not make $5,000 per month, if you consistently complete tasks and the clients are please, you will be able to eventually reach your particular goal.


If you have a financial goal such as to be making $10 million USD per year by the end of the current year you are in, your brain may not see that as a possibility no matter how much you try to believe it. You’re brain may be more comfortable with a smaller goal that will still stretch you but won’t make it so insurmountable. Perhaps a goal of adding an extra $1000 per month by the end of the year to be used toward seed money for a new business, debt reduction or investing would be a good way to start. 

Then, increase it as you achieve that goal.


You will need to put a time frame on your target goal. The more specific the better. Be sure to give yourself enough time to achieve them but be sure to step outside your comfort zone a bit.

It may be January 1st and you will declare, “I will lose 20 lbs. by December 31st at 8:00 AM.”

How to Get Back on Track With Your Goals:  Setting Too Many Goals

Let’s say that you did the SMART method in the beginning and you broke it down to smaller steps. But your to-do list is too long because your goal list is too long.

Most researchers say that having more than one ultimate goal at a time can spread you too thin. Though that is true, having two main goals is still okay.

Prioritize: Identify the most important goals and tasks. Focus your energy on what matters most to you. Avoid spreading yourself too thin by trying to achieve too many things simultaneously.

Create a Plan: Develop a detailed action plan. Outline the steps required to reach your goals, including deadlines. A clear plan helps you stay organized and on track.

If you have gotten off track, you may need a new action plan. This will feel more like a fresh start and will help to re-set your brain.

Set Deadlines: Assign specific times and deadlines to your goals and tasks. A sense of urgency can motivate you to stay committed and avoid procrastination.

Do you want to remember this? Pin this Get Back On Track With Your Goals pin to your favorite Pinterest board.

Pinterest Pin about how to get back on track with your goals from wealthese.com

What Would Your Life Look Like When You Get Back On Track With Your Goals?

What will you look like? How will your ideal mate look? Be like? What will you do together? Will you have children? How many? What is your fantasy career look like? Where will you go on vacation? Feel how you would feel when all of this is your reality.

See it. Feel it.

Thinking of this reality is a great way to help your mind set. Use this imagery and emotion next time you are faltering or haven’t seen any progress on your target goal in a while. See it. Feel it. And let it push you forward.

Woman working out in gym holding weighted ball

How to Get Back On Track With Your Goals: Mindset

In this important step, grab a piece of paper and write down the answers as you ask yourself the following questions, “What is it that I am really trying to achieve and WHY?” Then keep asking yourself “why?” until you are at one answer. And don’t be embarrassed about your answers. Be as bold and selfish as you need to be.

Question: Why are you trying to make an extra $5,000 per month?

Answer: To get out of debt.

Question: Why are you trying to get out of debt?

Answer: To be out from under the pressure of owing money to someone else.

Question: Why?

Answer: To feel free.

Question: Why?

Answer: To be able to spend money on things that enrich my life.

Question: Why?.

Answer: So that I can live the life of my dreams rather than feeling like crap.

There is your “why” to focus on when you feel like you are going off track in the first place. And what will help you get back on track with your goals if you get off track. Be sure to mix your why into some positive self-talk.

How to Get Back On Track With Your Goals: Micro Goals

Go micro if you have to. A single daily task will get you farther than nothing at all.

Or better yet, have smaller goals in between. For example, I always have some upcoming event that I want to look good for. Maybe I am attending a wedding in June that I will start prepping for in March. In that case will plan what weight I would like to be, my outfit and when I will get my hair and nails done.

As for the promotion, you can work on your skills one by one with an end goal date in mind for each. Unfortunately, in many cases, you will not know when a position will open up so setting a date for a promotion will be difficult. The point is to be ready when it does open up.

So after setting yourself up skill-wise, you will set a goal to have lunch with every person that will make a decision about that position if it opens up, including the person in the job you want. If that person moves up, they may recommend you to replace them. Slip into conversation all of the amazing classes you have taken and applied them to your job. Mention how it has increased sales, productivity, etc. You may even offer to help them on a project or take something over that they have difficulty getting to.

Fla tlay of planner, watch, coffee and golden paperclips

Clarity about your goals will help you immeasurably to get back on track with your goals. And if you did this previously before you got off track, I suggest you redo the whole thing starting back with your “why?”

Another reason that you may have gone off track is due to not having your goals right in front of you. Read my article Setting Goals: The Ultimate “How To” Guide! on ways to be able to access your goals on a regular basis.

If you put them somewhere you will never see them, you will have trouble keeping them fresh on your mind. Make them accessible and this will help you remember your “why?”

How to Get Back On Track With Your Goals: Accountability 

Accountability is another reason you may have gotten off track. Are you a person that needs to be coached? There are some people that respond well to the “drill sergeant” type of goal achievement, especially for fitness goals. Do you need someone yelling at you and knocking that dessert out of your hand? You may need an accountability partner. 

This can be a friend, a co-worker or even a family member that wants to reach your yearly goals and not coddle you too much. 

It’s important to see them as a support system rather than people that are trying to be negative. Sometimes accountability is painful. 

How to Get Back On Track With Your Goals: Limit Excuses

Say your goal was to lose weight or take on other healthy habits and one delicious summer cookout later, afterward, you felt like you failed. You then got upset at yourself for being weak and proceed to eat junk food for the next few months as if you had never set a goal for yourself. The goals were small, it was just a will power things. As mentioned before, setbacks can be another goal derailer. Be sure to not make excuses though. “I’m just so tired by the end of the day that I can’t make myself a healthy meal” shouldn’t an excuse because dinners can be made ahead of time and there are salad bars at grocery stores if you are desperate. If you find that you are making too many excuses, then your “why?” may not be strong enough. We all have challenges. Setbacks are temporary and we can choose how we react to life. We can choose to live it fully or we can choose to hide behind our perceived limitations.

How to Get Back On Track With Your Goals: Visual Action Plan

As mentioned when you look at a goal as a huge, too far in the future project, it’s hard to imagine getting to the end result. If you breakdown your big goals to smaller goals, you will have feel a sense of accomplishment at each phase that will make you motivated to get to the next part of the goal. You can actually diagram this out using whatever method works for you. I know people who use MicroSoft Project to do this, but a simple flow or bubble chart will work quite well. We used this example in my Goals: The Ultimate “How To” Guide! article so this is a repeat but hopefully it will help you.

Pinterest Pin The Ultimate Goal Setting Sheet Guide with Action Steps for getting from couch potato to running a 15k


How to Get Back On Track With Your Goals: Vision Board


A fun way to make a visual representation is to create vision board. If you haven’t already done this, the best way to get started is to find pictures of things that represent your goal(s). The first thing is to do an image search on the internet to find the images. Then you print them out and put them on a foam or poster board. You can use push pins or glue to attach the pictures. Be as artistic and creative as you like. This is your board that will help to get back on track with your goals.

How to Get Back On Track With Your Goals: Goals Tracking

There is a software developer named Brad Isaac that wanted to become a comedian. In order to become better at it he performed at many open mic nights. 

However, he got his best advice from Jerry Seinfeld.

Jerry’s method for success was to have one thing to do each day and that was to spend time each day writing jokes. In order to keep track of this, Seinfeld gets a simple calendar each January, where he can see each day of the year. With that calendar, each day that he writes new material, he puts a red x over that date. 

Consequently, seeing all of those Xs motivates him to never break the chain of Xs.

So never break the chain. Keep track of your progress towards your track and celebrate. Here are a few other ideas to help you get back on track with your goals:

Habit Trackers

In order to get back on track with your goals, there are a lot of good habits tracking apps for both Android and iOS. This article by Livewire may help you choose one. Another one that is not on Livewire’s list that I have heard is great is Habitshare. You can keep track of your progress and it has a psychological advantage of making it so you don’t want to break the chain of your new habit. You can invite your friends for a little healthy competition. (Neither of the links are affiliate links).


This method is nice if you like a good old-fashioned, but still technological, way to keep track of your habits. Keep it in the cloud in Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. for quick and easy access.

Pen and Paper

If you are a paper and pen kind of person, it an easy way to keep track or your regular habits.  

  • Note book paper
  • In your planner
  • Calendar- like Jerry Seinfeld
  • Create a habit tracker on a poster board- keep it our for all to see
  • Create a habit tracker in a bullet journal. They can be as simple or as elaborate as you want them to because you create them yourself. Google “bullet journal habit trackers” and you will get loads of inspiration Here is an example:
Colorful bullet journal habit tracker to help you get back on track with your goals

Photo Credit: Sheena of the Journal

How to Get Back On Track With Your Goals: Choose Wisely

I caution you to keep in mind to track only the MOST important things you need to do that day. In striving for perfection, I think that some of the habit trackers can be too overwhelming and, if there are too many habits, it can actually stress you out.

Maybe pick two or three at most for each goal you have.

For example, if you want to lose weight, your two biggest habits that day may be to look up healthy recipes and to work out.

If you want to get a new job, your habits might be to get up at a certain time so that you can send out one or two resumes that day or take some online courses.

Another habit for that goal might be to have 1 hour where you practice self-care.


How to Get Back On Track With Your Goals: Celebrate!

Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, even if they are minor. This positive reinforcement can help maintain your motivation.

Seriously, do something for yourself whenever you achieve even one of your small goals.

You will be amazed how the sense of accomplishment will motivate you, as I already mentioned, but the celebration will push it even further.

If you wanted to lose 40 lbs. and lost 5 by the end of January, go get a pedicure.

If you ate healthy all month, get yourself a new recipe book or a kitchen appliance.

Did you finally make that extra $5000 this month, treat yourself to an investment course.

Little target goals and little celebrations will help you achieve your goals and will make life more livable. When the pain of sacrifice for goal achievement isn’t quite so bad, you will be fueled to set bigger goals. Your life can be as amazing as you make it.

FAQs How to Get Back On Track With Your Goals

How can I regain my motivation and stay on track with your goals?

To get back on track with your goals and reignite your motivation, start by revisiting the reasons why you set those goals in the first place. Reflect on your “why” and visualize the benefits of achieving your objectives. Break down your goals into smaller, actionable steps, and create a clear plan to follow. Surround yourself with supportive individuals who can hold you accountable and celebrate your small wins along the way. Consistency and a positive mindset are key factors in staying on course.

What strategies can help me overcome setbacks and challenges in achieving my goals?

Overcoming setbacks and challenges on your journey to get back on track with your goals requires resilience and adaptability. Embrace setbacks as learning opportunities, adjust your approach when necessary, and stay committed to your long-term vision. Seek support from mentors, friends, or accountability partners who can provide guidance and encouragement. Maintain a flexible mindset and be willing to make necessary changes to your plan.

Why is it important to break down large goals into smaller, more manageable steps?

Breaking down large goals into smaller, manageable steps is crucial because it makes your goals less overwhelming and more achievable. It provides a clear roadmap of what needs to be done, allowing you to focus on one task at a time. This approach helps you build momentum and celebrate small victories, which can boost motivation and confidence, ultimately leading to the successful attainment of your larger objectives.

How can the SMART method help in setting and achieving goals?

The SMART method is a highly effective strategy for setting and achieving goals. It ensures that your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. By applying this framework, you create goals that are clear, quantifiable, and aligned with your priorities. This method provides a roadmap, making it easier to track progress and stay motivated as you work toward your objectives.

What role does mindset play in getting back on track with goals, and how can it be cultivated?

Mindset plays a pivotal role in achieving your goals. Cultivating a positive and growth-oriented mindset can help you overcome challenges and stay on course. Practice self-awareness and challenge negative thought patterns. Surround yourself with positivity and seek inspiration from others who have achieved similar goals. By nurturing a resilient and optimistic mindset, you’ll find it easier to stay motivated and persevere in your pursuit of getting back on track with your goals.

Get-Back-On-Track-With-Your-Goals Woman rock climber climbing mountain with no safety ropes

The Bottom Line on How to Get Back On Track With Your Goals

In your journey to reignite your commitment to your goals, it’s important to recognize that setbacks are a natural part of the process. Life has a way of throwing unexpected challenges our way, and sometimes, we need to pause to deal with them. However, the true measure of your determination lies in your ability to bounce back stronger than ever.

As you break down your goals into smaller, more manageable steps and employ the SMART method, you’ll find that progress becomes not only attainable but also less overwhelming. Each milestone you achieve will boost your confidence and motivate you to tackle the next one, like stepping stones leading you closer to your ultimate destination.

Don’t underestimate the power of mindset. By understanding your “why” and connecting with the deep-seated reasons behind your goals, you can maintain unwavering focus and determination. When you find yourself faltering or feeling adrift, revisit your “why.” Let it fuel your passion and remind you of the life-changing rewards that await you at the finish line.

Visualization is a potent tool in your arsenal. See your goals as accomplished facts, and feel the emotions associated with achieving them. This mental rehearsal primes your subconscious mind for success and keeps you aligned with your objectives.

Accountability can be a game-changer. Sometimes, all it takes is a trusted friend, family member, or mentor to hold you accountable. Sharing your goals and progress with someone who cares about your success can provide the support and encouragement you need when motivation wanes.

Avoid the trap of making excuses. It’s easy to blame circumstances or fatigue for not staying on track, but remember that setbacks are temporary, and your reaction to them is your choice. Challenge yourself to find creative solutions, adapt to changing circumstances, and keep moving forward.

Celebrate your victories, no matter how small they may seem. Each step forward is a testament to your determination and dedication. Treat yourself with kindness and reward yourself for your achievements. These celebrations serve as reminders of your progress and further stoke the fires of motivation.

Ultimately, getting back on track with your goals is not just about reaching the destination; it’s about the transformative journey you undergo along the way. It’s about discovering your inner strength, resilience, and capacity for growth. Embrace the process, savor the victories, and cherish the lessons learned. Your life is as extraordinary as you make it, and by staying committed to your goals, you’re creating a future filled with fulfillment, purpose, and success. Keep pushing forward, and your dreams will become your reality.

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